Our Booking Process

How do I go about making a Boudoir Photo Shoot reservation with Shaun Jones?

We have made this process as less confusing than placing a tea bag in a cup, so as you can see, we've made the process easy so everyone can easily understand our reservation system.

Firstly! you can either make a booking by clicking Add To Cart or Email Booking Request.

We explain these methods below -

"Add To Cart" Method - Simply click on the button marked "Add To Cart" and our website payment system will complete your purchase. We are then notified of your completed purchase and make contact with you to organise a booking date.

"Email Booking Request" - Simply click on the button marked "Email Booking Request" and our website will direct you to our email address to make contact with you to complete a reservation. Using this method we will take a $150 deposit from you with remainder to be completed on the day before shoot.

"Contact us via email" - By sending us a general email for contact, we will contact you for an enquiry and make a reservation over telephone or email.

For simplicity and ease, heres our Terms of Bookings below -

Cancellations Policy

Refunds Policy

Tanning Policy - Under FAQs ( First Topic )

Reservation Times 
Please ensure you arrive on time. For all late bookings, your time commences at time of booking. For example, if you make a reservation for 10:00am for a Boudoir Session spanding over 2hrs or whatever time frame allowed, your booking starts at 10:00am regardless of late time arrival. We are unable to rush our services to ensure our quality control. Please ensure you arrive on time.

Boudoir can be quite intimate and we suggest you do not bring visitors or watchers. There is very limited waiting areas and to ensure you get our full attention we suggest just the booking attendee arrive for Boudoir.